Jeff Hertzog Radio Will Be Forwarded to, you can copy/paste that link to go to my website.
Radio America USA, Philly and Jersey Radio and Radio Freedom and Liberty has come to an end due to no donations to keep free speech and independent media going!
In 2012 Philly and Jersey Radio and Radio America USA was started with the hope of a real alternative to the mainstream media and then Radio Freedom and Liberty was added. With this last election and the years of no support America, the 95% of the population has willfully chosen the mainstream media and approves with the Koch - Soros purchasing of AM/FM Stations.
In February the Domains, and will be surrendered and not available until 2026!
After 13 years if trying to build an honest truthful radio station, with no one willing to donate but will donate to shysters and murderers, let's see YOU try to do this work I did!
For the few that have donated, may God very richly bless you and I promise that your donations were never in vain!
You can still donate to reverse this decision, but once this is closed, it is forever!
Your Donations will keep shows going!
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